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SEAL Team - Behind the kit - Black kit ( Sea / Land )


Updated: Jun 20, 2021

Over the course of the first 3 seasons of SEAL Team, Bravo have at times donned full black kit breaking away from the traditional Multicam / AOR1 disruptive patterns. During this time, there were also changes made in regards to manufacturers and their equipment used for the show. Much like in real life, kit and equipment evolves and new manufacturers are used to keep up to speed with ever changing threats and environments. For this blog I'll cover when Bravo has worn full black kit and detour around when their black kit has been mixed with AOR1 or standard Multicam (Season 2 Episode 1 - Fracture) in both the Maritime and Land environments.

SEAL ( SEa / Air / Land )

The black kit has been utilised when Bravo have been operating in the maritime environment either used in the surface (rib) / sub-surface role when the ops have been taking place at night and also during land based night time ops which did stretch into daylight hours. Whilst few and far between, these episodes were interesting regarding the equipment used, paired most definitely to suit the mission and the environment. Both maritime and land environments have their individual needs and the nod to authenticity is the usage of pouches and equipment by Bravo that match their chosen insertion methods.

There was a mountain of gear to identify, however through the kit listings, the team do maintain a near identical setup across each of the team. A number of small personal choices by the team regarding placement of pouches and inclusion / exclusion of other small pieces of tactical equipment have also been noted. There's also still a small list of kit that I'm yet to identify, though have no fear! As and when I discover the items I'll update the blog.

This blog was created from analysing and poring over many hundreds of HD and non HD images, stills from the show, trailers and Youtube clips which has helped to create a base from which Bravos kit and equipment has been identified.


Equipment manufacturers

Bravo as mentioned generally use well known real steel manufacturers across all of their kit. In relation to 1st Line gear the following are the main manufacturers of note;


Season 1

Episode 1 - Tip of the Spear

Moored vessel - location CLASSIFIED.

Entry method - rib.

Bravo utilise a mixture of equipment notably wearing Multicam Black (MCB), a standard used throughout the black kit episodes. During the pilot episode a number of the team were wearing a mixture of kit and equipment. Being the pilot episode as many have commented, the cast, crew, props guys and wardrobe team were figuring out what worked, what was expensive and what looked the best. The biggest hinderance for me was the lighting, that the atmospheric dimly lit ship they were operating in and around meant that clear pictures of the kit used were grainy and lacked detail. Below is a rough breakdown and kit generally used by some of the team;


Wilcox L4G24 Mount - Tan / Black

Peltor Comtacs

Peltor helmet adapters

S&S Precision V-Lite - Multi colour

U94v2 PTT


Crye Precision G3s - Multicam Black

1st Line Gear

Coyote slimline belt

2nd Line Gear

Crye Precision JPC 2.0 - Ranger Green



One character that did feature with some clearer pictures was of Nate Massey (6A9), who was seen wearing wholly different kit setting him apart from the rest of Bravo;


Peltor Comtacs

Peltor helmet adapters

1st Line Gear

Slimline coyote belt

Crye Precision GP Pouch 6X6X3 Maritime (used as Medic pouch) - Coyote Brown

Foldable dump pouch - Multicam

2nd Line Gear

S&S Precision Radio Pouch - MBITR - Ranger Green

VTAC Mk2 Gen1 sling - Multicam

3rd Line Gear

Drybag - Black


Episode 3 - Boarding Party

Moored vessel - South China Sea.

Entry method - sub-surface.

Alpha and Bravo both utilise the sub-surface entry method and as expected their kit and equipment must be lightweight and able to drain quickly, therefore nearly all of their equipment is Maritime specific (pouches feature drainage holes in the bottom). Bravo used the following kit which is near identical across all team members;


Lightweight Bone Conduction headset (1 ear piece)

U94v2 PTT

NVG Counterweight pouch (fabric) - Black


Crye Precision G3s - Multicam Black

1st Line Gear

Slimline coyote belt

Safariland 6378 holster - Black or MC Gearskin wrap / Black plain

LBT Medikit - Multicam


Cyalumes (4")

2nd Line Gear

S&S Precision Plateframe & Swimmer cut cummerbund

Crye Precision 5.56/7.62/MBITR Pouch - Multicam / Ranger Green

VTAC Mk2 Gen1 sling - Multicam

Two of the team use slightly different setups in regards to additional pouches used.

Ray - 1st Line Gear

Crye Precision GP Pouch 6X6X3 Maritime (used as Medic pouch) - Multicam

Trent - 2nd Line Gear

As well as Bravo operating in Episode 3, Alpha team were also present led by Full Metal, wearing the 6A9 patch (likely should've been 1A9) and using callsign 'Alpha One' when contacting Jason as 'Bravo One'. Alphas' insertion was also sub-surface and the gear used is near similar to that used by Bravo. Below is a breakdown of Full Metals loadout;

1st Line Gear

Crye Precision GP Pouch 6X6X3 Maritime (used as Medic pouch) - Multicam

Safariland 6378 holster - MC Gearskin wrap

2nd Line Gear

S&S Precision Plateframe & Swimmer cut cummerbund


Season 3

Episode 3 - Adapt & Overcome

Power plant - Azerbaijan.

Entry method - air / sea (surface).

In episode 3, Bravo initially are put through their paces at their training facility conducting room clearances and tackling hostiles hand to hand. Their training equipment is that used when later they are tasked with securing a power plant seized by hostiles.

Bravo splits into 2 teams and whilst 1 jumps in, the other inserts via rib. All of the team wear near identical loadouts utilising a new manufacturer across a lot of their kit - Velocity Systems.

In general the team wear the below. Where there are personal preferences / unique items of equipment their owner is noted.


Fitted with EXFIL Carbon Rail 2.0 - Black

Team Wendy Helmet cover - Black / Multicam

HEL-STAR 6 (strobe)

Peltor Comtacs - Black

NVG Counterweight pouch (fabric) - Black

S&S Precision V-Lite - Multi colour


Crye Precision G3s - Multicam Black

1st Line Gear

Eagle Industries Single M4 pouch - Black

2nd Line Gear

Fitted with standard Molle cummerbund - Black

VTAC Mk2 Gen1 sling - Multicam

Two of the team have additions to their setups.

Clay - 1st Line Gear

Safariland 6378 holster - MCB Gearskin wrap

Jason - 2nd Line Gear

Sonny - 2nd Line Gear


Episodes 11 & 12 - Siege Protocols + Episode 13 - Fog of war

Hostage Rescue - Caracas.

Entry method - vehicle / foot.

The three episodes focus on Bravos deployment to Caracas, initially to conduct a hostage rescue of Americans held by Hezbollah, which quickly goes south when the CIA informant goes missing causing Bravo to stage a second hostage rescue. Set across multiple city locations across both day and night the episodes provided a wealth of images to identify Bravos kit from.


Fitted with EXFIL Carbon Rail 2.0 - Black

Team Wendy Helmet cover - Black

Peltor Comtacs - Black

NVG Counterweight pouch (fabric) - Black

S&S Precision V-Lite - Multi colour


1st Line Gear

Eagle Industries Single M4 pouch - Black

S&S Precision Gear Retention Track Webbing Adapter - Black

Safariland 6378 holster - MCB Gearskin wrap

2nd Line Gear

Fitted with standard Molle cummerbund - Black

VTAC Mk2 Gen1 sling - Multicam

Spiritus System SACK Pouch Mk3 - MCB (some of team)

3rd Line Gear

LBX Titan (3-Day MAP Pack) - Black / Wolf Grey


Lightweight fabric gloves - Black

Two of the team have additions to their setups.

Jason & Brock - 1st Line Gear

Fastmag single pouch - Black

Trent - 1st Line Gear

Remington 870 Kydex pop clip - Black

Brock - 2nd Line Gear

2x Fastmag single pouches - Black


Thoughts and opinion

The black kit used by Bravo varies across the seasons. Anyone wanting to recreate the loadouts, specifically from Season 3 are going to need to part with a lot of money and time will be spent trying to identify the small pieces of kit that once combined will give a screen accurate replica of Bravos kit. The change in manufacturers and settling on Velocity / Mayflower gear seems to be the new setup for the team and again proven gear gets in front of the camera. As mentioned in my previous blog 'SEAL Team - Behind the kit - 1st Line Gear', with a number of the team to choose from, you have the ability to either replicate 1 operators equipment or blend kit and equipment to make something more personal for yourself. As always, make sure it's functional, not bulky, suits your need and doesn't break the bank!


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Final Note

I am not paid for my blogs by the manufacturers or companies that I purchase my items from. I am not offered freebies to promote a product. These blogs are purely written from my own experience in truth to help advise and inform others who may wish to purchase the items or understand more about them. If I am sent a freebie to review this will be stated at the beginning to make you aware.


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