SEAL Team strives to bring to the viewers hard hitting action on screen that is realistic and close to the modern military fighting forces tactics, decisions and equipment. Season 5 of SEAL Team throws Bravo in at the deep end with close quarters fighting, night time activities and climatic episodes. Evolution can be a beautiful thing and SEAL Team continues on that evolving path into Season 5 with the kit and equipment that the operators within Bravo utilise.
Having completed a breakdown of 2nd Line Gear for Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, and Season 4 there was nowhere to hide for Season 5 and with this Season came a whole new collection of kit and equipment to search for albeit a smaller list of manufacturers than in previous Seasons. As with the previous blogs, this one took a lot of time and effort trawling the internet for popular, bespoke and unique items of kit that Bravo use. As previously mentioned, rather than adding every single episode and breaking it down, my preference was to provide you the reader with a section per operator per set of 2nd Line Gear. For example if 2B9 Ray PERRY wears a Crye AVS and throughout the seasons changes his pouches configuration, I have noted all of them under one section for ease.
As Season 5 kick starts, new kit instantly appears and the whole identifying process began again. This is though yet another blog that doesn't exist anywhere else! The blog gives you the details and links to recreate a 2nd Line Gear setup based upon one or a mix of Bravos' operators. As with all of my other blogs, an inordinate amount of HD images, low res images, trailers, videos and episodes were pored over, watched and re-watched to bring you this full write up. Continuous positive feedback around these loadout blogs keeps me coming back for me and the compilation of this Season 5 blog was good fun to put together.
Equipment manufacturers
Bravo have throughout the 5 Seasons used a wide range of real steel manufacturers across all of their kit. The 5th Season is no different with several new manufacturers appearing as part or as a whole in Bravo's kit. In relation to 2nd Line Gear plate carriers, rigs, pouches and ancillaries, the following are the main manufacturers of note;

Jason HAYES (1B9)
HAYES during Season 5 brings with him ruthlessness and clouded vision due to his ongoing TBI. Slowly breaking down through the Season, travelling the globe, he becomes unstitched and the cracks start to show dangerously close to home. Even though he's in danger HAYES commits himself to Bravo and the mission, fighting across a mixture of hostile environments using a range of 2nd Line Gear.
Loadout 1 - Low profile
HAYES when operating in North Korea and Venezuela utilises a low profile loadout changing from previous series of the favoured Spiritus Systems Micro Rig to the newer Ferro Concepts Chesty Rig. The low profile lightweight nature of the rig enables HAYES to carry only mission essential gear whilst being able to manoeuvre in tight urban spaces.
Ferro Concepts Chesty Rig Wide Harness - Ranger Green
Ferro Concepts DOPE Front Flap - Ranger Green
Kangaroo Insert - Large Pocket - Ranger Green
LHS - Ferro Concepts Radio Pouch - Multicam black
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
Loadout 2 - Standard Operating Environment
HAYES continues to use his Eagle Industries NSW (Naval Special Warfare) Plate Carrier. This plate carrier is not publicly available and may have been obtained as a prototype or pre-release (images are available on the Eagle Industries Instagram). Traditionally built as a standard plate carrier, HAYES can upscale or downscale loadout depending on mission requirements and role required (i.e. comms vs ammunition carriage).
Spiritus System SACK Pouch Mk3 - AOR1 / Desert Digital
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems MPRC (Multi-Platform Radio Chassis) - Coyote Brown
(In MPRC pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
Ray PERRY (2B9)
PERRY takes a more prominent forward role for Bravo during Season 5 and sticks to the teams generic loadouts whilst still bringing forth his Crye Precision AVS, but does change weapon platforms meaning small adjustments are made with his 2nd Line Gear.
Loadout 1 - Low Profile
PERRY as with the rest of Bravo adopts the Ferro Concepts Chesty Rig when deployed globally making full use of its low signature and coupled with a number of 3rd line gear (bergans / packs) whilst on mission.
Ferro Concepts Chesty Rig Wide Harness - Ranger Green
Ferro Concepts DOPE Front Flap - Ranger Green
Kangaroo Insert - Large Pocket - Ranger Green
LHS - Ferro Concepts Radio Pouch - Multicam Black
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
Loadout 2 - Standard Operating Environment
Yet again PERRY brings into Season 5 his favoured Crye Precision AVS which has changed only to accommodate a new radio system and ammunition type carried (5.56 HK416 > 7.62 SCAR).
Crye Precision AVS (Adaptive Vest System) - Ranger Green - Ranger Green
Crye Precision AVS Detachable Flap M4 (Triple Mag Pouch) - Ranger Green
Crye Precision AVS Detachable Flap 7.62 (Triple Mag Pouch) - Ranger Green
Crye Precision 1" Webbing strap - Ranger Green LHS shoulder - Garmin Foretrex 401
LHS & RHS - CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Ranger Green
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 5.56 / 7.62 / MBITR pouch - Multicam
RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Ranger Green
Crye Precision Pouch Zip-on Panel 2.0 - Ranger Green
Sonny QUINN (3B9)
QUINN runs light for the majority of Season 5 favouring the HK416 and MP7 over carrying some of the heavier weapons platforms, this is down to the environment and operational requirements. Like the rest of Bravo QUINN keeps pouches to the minimum and deploys (as the only one within Bravo) with the Sentry Tactical Gunnar plate carrier.
Loadout 1 - Low Profile
QUINN utilises the Ferro Concepts Chesty Rig and is used in conjunction with a number of 3rd line gear packs.
Ferro Concepts Chesty Rig Wide Harness - Ranger Green
Ferro Concepts DOPE Front Flap - Ranger Green
Kangaroo Insert - Large Pocket - Ranger Green
LHS - Ferro Concepts Radio Pouch - Multicam black
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
RHS - Knife
Loadout 2 - Standard Operating Environment
In Season 5, QUINN sports a new plate carrier for his standard operating environment loadout which is the Gunnar Series Plate carrier with its distinctive molle attachment holes across the entirety of the front, sides and rear. As with previous plate carriers, QUINN in his role as gunner keeps the carrier largely free of pouches save for SAW pouches and a radio pouch.
on rhs
2x SENTRY 200 Round SAW Pouch - Multicam
LHS - SENTRY 200 Round SAW Pouch - Multicam
LHS - SENTRY Gunnar MBITR Pouch - Multicam
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
RHS - SENTRY Zippered Tourniquet Medical Pouch - Multicam
RHS - SENTRY GUNNAR Rifle Mag Pouch Double AR-AK Stacked - Multicam
SENTRY Carrier Backpack - Multicam
Trent SAWYER (4B9)
Though SAWYER is only present for a few episodes of Season 5, his 2nd Line Gear is setup exactly how he wants it as a leftie with pouch placements. SAWYER also does differentiate subtly from the others in Bravo depending on manufacturer and pouch type.
Loadout 1 - Low Profile
SAWYER favours as with the rest of Bravo, the Ferro Concepts Chest Rig enabling him to remain light on foot and with minimal drag.
Ferro Concepts Chesty Rig Wide Harness - Ranger Green
Ferro Concepts DOPE Front Flap - Ranger Green
Kangaroo Insert - Large Pocket - Ranger Green
RHS - Spiritus Systems Multi-Platform Radio Chassis MK3 - Black
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
Loadout 2 - Standard Operating Environment
SAWYER in Season 5 does don his S&S Precision PFM with near identical pouches as worn in Season 3 and 4. The plate carrier chosen is likely done so through choice and experience and as seen in the pictures below can be scaled up or down based upon the mission requirements.
S&S Precision PlateFrame Modular - Multicam
Ballistic Plates - Multicam
Spiritus System SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam
LHS & RHS - S&S Precision Swimmer cut cummerbund
LHS - S&S Precision OSS (Operator System Suite) Frag pouch (Old Gen) - Multicam
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Multicam
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
RHS - S&S Precision OSS Redux - Single Magazine Pouch - Multicam (5 vertical molle slits version)
215Gear Slap charge pouch (double) - Multicam
Breaching tool sleeve - Multicam
S&S Precision Reinforced Radio Pouch - Multicam
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
Brock REYNOLDS (5B9)
REYNOLDS as the K9 handler has a specific role within the team, primarily to act as handler and secondly to act as another operator who remains adaptable throughout the season. A heavy influence for REYNOLDS is Crye Precision kit and equipment (due to his friendship with Caleb Crye - co-founder of Crye Precision).
Loadout 1 - Low Profile
REYNOLDS as a K9 handler had a specific role within the team, primarily to act as handler and secondly to act as another operator who remains adaptable, however with the lack of a K9 at present in Season 5, REYNOLDS adopts a generic role. Moving away from his traditional love and use of Crye Precision gear, REYNOLDS uses gear predominantly from Ferro Concepts.
Ferro Concepts Chesty Rig Wide Harness - Ranger Green
Ferro Concepts DOPE Front Flap - Ranger Green
Kangaroo Insert - Large Pocket - Ranger Green
LHS - Spiritus Systems Multi-Platform Radio Chassis MK3 - Black / Multicam Black
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
LHS - Ferro Concepts Radio Pouch - Multicam black
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
Loadout 2 - Standard Operating Environment
REYNOLDS SOE 2nd Line Gear setup is based on the newer Ferro Concepts FCPC V5 again enabling him to be lightweight without carrying a heavy / overloaded plate carrier.
Ferro Concepts FCPC V5 Base - Multicam
Fitted with 3AC Cobra Buckle Kit - Coyote Tan
CAT Tourniquet
LHS - GP Pouch - AOR1 / Desert Digital
LHS - Ferro Concepts Radio Pouch - Multicam
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
RHS - Single Pistol Mag Pouch - Multicam
RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Multicam
Ferro Concepts Back Panel Double Pouch - Multicam
Clay SPENSER (6B9)
Season 5 sees SPENSER continue his role in Bravo and whilst he does have two separate loadouts for Season 5, his kit is in keeping with the rest of Bravo, remaining adaptable throughout.
Loadout 1 - Low Profile
SPENSER uses the Ferro Concepts Chest Rig as with the rest of Bravo to great effect carrying minimal essential only kit.
Ferro Concepts Chesty Rig Wide Harness - Ranger Green
Ferro Concepts DOPE Front Flap - Ranger Green
Kangaroo Insert - Large Pocket - Ranger Green
LHS - Ferro Concepts Radio Pouch - Multicam black
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
Loadout 2 - Standard Operating Environment
In similar vain as REYNOLDS, SPENSER uses the Ferro Concepts V5 with minimal pouches.
Ferro Concepts FCPC V5 Base - Multicam
Ferro Concepts DOPE Front Flap - Ranger Green - Multicam
Ferro Concepts The Mini Dangler - Multicam
LHS - Ferro Concepts Radio Pouch - AOR1
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 - Multicam
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Multicam
Ferro Concepts Back Panel Double Pouch - Multicam
Remington - CIA (Ground Branch)
Remington made an appearance when Bravo were deployed to ###. His role as ### saw him load up and deploy with Bravo predominantly as an additional pair of boots on the ground. Whilst only making the one appearance he at least was able to get some rounds down range when cornered in the buildings and helped the rest of Bravo advance forwards.
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
Remington utilises the Ferro Concepts loadout which is the main staple used by Bravo through Season 5. Having reviewed and identified the 2nd Line Gear, it's apparent that this carrier and pouches (as a unit) is exactly the same used by Operator A in the final episode of Season 5, not due to hand me down kit / but likely rather due to props / wardrobe department wanting to reuse existing kit that's is in good condition, especially likely due to the costs paid for it in the first place!
Ferro Concepts FCPC V5 Base - AOR1
Invisio V20 PTT - Tan
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 - Multicam
LHS - Ferro Concepts Radio Pouch - AOR1
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Ranger Green
SMITH a member of the CIA operating in Venezuela was supporting Bravo in identifying and running down members of the organisations involved in the nuclear arms development program. Whilst SMITH took a backseat through most of the Venezuela op, when the building containing the nuclear equipment was located and action required, SMITH donned a plate carrier, picked up a weapon and helped Bravo take the building down.
Loadout 1 - Low Profile
SMITH utilised the Hayley Strategic Thorax plate carrier and kept kit to a minimum due to role and operating environment. Through these episodes SMITH provide his worth helping to support Bravo in a number of firefights before eventually escaping with Bravo.
Hayley Strategic Triple Mag Placard - Black
Invisio V20 PTT - Tan
CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Spiritus Systems MPU5 Radio Pouch - Black
(In radio pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Hayley Strategic Flatpack 2.0 - Black
Joe DELOCKERY & Shiv KONDA - SBS (Special Boat Service)
DELOCKERY and KONDA were only present in one mission to conduct a trade supported by Bravo. Whilst neither contributed in any great way to the ensuing firefight between Bravo and the Turkish mercenary force, they did utilise 2nd Line Gear that differentiated them from Bravo.
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
DELOCKERY and KONDA use the LBT-6094 G3 plate carriers and associated pouches. It's likely that these G3s were reissued to these two (from the props / wardrobe department) from their previous Bravo owners for this episode. These small changes in loadouts between units and other forces do help to illustrate their differences.
LBT-6094 G3 Plate Carrier - Multicam
LBT G3 Modular Panel - Multicam
Invisio V20 PTT - Tan
CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Juggernaut Case Radio Holster - Tan
(In radio pouch) L3 Harris PRC 152 Radio
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Multicam
RHS - Knife (unknown)
Large Utility Pouch / SAW pouch (unknown manufacturer) - Multicam
Unnamed Operators A & B
The 2 unnamed Operators who accompany Bravo in the final episode of Season 5 get literally zero screen time and therefore identifying their 2nd Line Gear has been notably difficult. Whilst only used in the episode in a transport / protection role, these two characters are using some sought after gear.
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
Operator A utilises the sought after Ferro Concepts FCPC V5 Base in AOR1 with a lightweight mixture of pouches to supplement his role.
Ferro Concepts FCPC V5 Base - AOR1
Invisio V20 PTT - Tan
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 - Multicam
LHS - Ferro Concepts Radio Pouch - AOR1
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
Operator B again utilises the sought after Ferro Concepts FCPC V5 Base in AOR1 with a lightweight mixture of pouches to supplement his role.
Ferro Concepts FCPC V5 Base - AOR1
Invisio V20 PTT - Tan
LHS - Ferro Concepts Radio Pouch - AOR1
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
Thoughts and opinion
Whilst taking an inordinate amount of time, patience and digging through hundreds if not thousands of reference pictures to accurately bring the 2nd Line Gear blogs to life across the 5 Seasons, they are my favourite blog to write by far. This blog and the others focussed on 2nd Line Gear used by Bravo have hopefully been an inspiration and help to those wanting to pursue a screen accurate loadout based on SEAL Team using my blog.
Nearly all of the kit featured is made by real steel manufacturers of military and civilian equipment. if you're after a 100% screen accurate replication of loadouts, you're going to have to fork out a lot of money, however there is also an abundance of replica kit and equipment available if you're unwilling to spend the money.
With the Season 5 2nd Line Gear blog now in the rearview, the next few blogs will focus in on other kit and equipment used by Bravo (and myself) with some in-depth honest reviews.
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Final Note
I am not paid for my blogs by the manufacturers or companies that I purchase my items from. I am not offered freebies to promote a product. These blogs are purely written from my own experience in truth to help advise and inform others who may wish to purchase the items or understand more about them. If I am sent a freebie to review this will be stated at the beginning to make you aware.