Resilience and adaptability are two key components integral to SEAL Team and ultimately the operators within Bravo. Facing multiple threats across a variety of environments the team must have kit and equipment that best supports them. SEAL Team Season 4 does not let up on the gas and features fast paced missions across the globe from overt to covert roles using a range of real steel manufacturers kit and equipment. As has been seen in previous Seasons, Bravo and the individual operators continue to evolve and this blog brings direct to your screens those changes.
Having completed a breakdown of 2nd Line Gear for Season 1, Season 2 and Season 3, there was nowhere to hide for Season 4 and with a new Season comes a whole new collection of kit and equipment to search for. As with the previous blogs, this one took a lot of time and effort trawling the internet for popular, bespoke and unique items of kit that Bravo use. As previously mentioned, rather than adding every single episode and breaking it down, my preference was to provide you the reader with a section per operator per set of 2nd Line Gear. For example if 2B9 Ray PERRY wears a Crye AVS and throughout the seasons changes his pouches configuration, I have noted all of them under one section for ease.
Due to the Covid pandemic, the Season 3 filming schedule was abruptly cut short and the Season 3 final episodes were slowly edited and reworked over time. Season 4 begins directly after Season 3 concludes and the team are still using their original loadouts. As Season 4 progresses, new kit lands and the whole identifying process begins again. This is though yet another blog that doesn't exist anywhere else! The blog gives you the details and links to recreate a 2nd Line Gear setup based upon one or a mix of Bravos' operators. As with all of my other blogs, an inordinate amount of HD images, low res images, trailers, videos and episodes were pored over, watched and re-watched to bring you this full write up. I received a lot of feedback from readers regarding when Season 4 was going to be researched, so here it is, enjoy...
Equipment manufacturers
Bravo have throughout the 4 Seasons used a wide range of real steel manufacturers across all of their kit. The 4th Season is no different with several new manufacturers appearing as part or as a whole in Bravo's kit. In relation to 2nd Line Gear plate carriers, rigs, pouches and ancillaries, the following are the main manufacturers of note;

Jason HAYES (1B9)
HAYES returns to Season 4 and brings with him depth of character, and showing the start effects of war on an operator who's been taking targets down and travelling the world without rest. As Bravo's lead he fights from the front and continues to mix and match his 2nd Line Gear throughout the season to suit where he goes and what he has to do.
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
HAYES in episode 1 of Season 4 brings over from Season 3 his Velocity Systems Scarab LT in Desert Digital. This is mainly due to the fact that COVID meant episode 1 Season 4 was meant to be the final episode of Season 3 and was part filmed before production was shut down. Hence why we only see this operational loadout for one episode. The Desert Digital Scarab which was previously released in a small batch and is due to be released again (in a small quantity) is another plate carrier variant affording HAYES the ability to upscale or downscale depending on mission requirements.
Velocity Systems Scarab LT (integrated mag pouch) - Desert Digital
Kagwerks Galaxy S7 Kit (2017 model) - Tan
Spiritus System SACK Pouch Mk3 - AOR1 / Desert Digital
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Coyote Brown
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - Spiritus System (similar to) Medium Pouch (Old Gen) - AOR1 / Desert Digital
Velocity Systems Helium Whisper Assault Back Panel Type 1 - Desert Digital
Loadout 2 - Low Profile
HAYES returns to the standard low profile gear as worn through all seasons, manufactured in whole by Spiritus Systems. Able to carry enough magazines and mission essential gear into the field the Mk4 is the go to for Bravo team.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Loadout 3 - Standard Operating Environment
HAYES replaces the LT Scarab with the Eagle Industries NSW (Naval Special Warfare) Plate Carrier. This plate carrier is not publicly available and may have been obtained as a prototype or pre-release (images are available on the Eagle Industries Instagram). The noticeable features resemble a Crye Precision JPC 2.0 and from the rear appear like an LBT 6094 G3 rear panel has simply been fixed onto a JPC rear panel, though there are subtle differences elsewhere, notably on the cummerbund where the mesh material instead of circular holes features hexagonal holes instead. With multiple pouches for ammunition and equipment carriage, the scalability of the plate carrier ensures that he can match the mission requirements easily.
Spiritus System SACK Pouch Mk3 - AOR1 / Desert Digital
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems MPRC (Multi-Platform Radio Chassis) - Coyote Brown
(In MPRC pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
Loadout 4 - Low Profile v2
When deployed to a low profile environment, HAYES dons the Crye Precision JPC 2.0 with minimal pouches for use in and around vehicles. As mentioned throughout the episode, the lack of ammunition and equipment such as suitable 1st and 2nd Line Gear show Bravo were at risk of being overrun through not being prepared.
Crye Precision JPC 2.0 (integrated mag pouch) - Multicam Arid
Spiritus System SACK Pouch Mk3 - Coyote Brown
Ray PERRY (2B9)
PERRY favours tried and tested gear such as his Crye Precision AVS, however towards the end of the Season he starts to trial new kit and equipment based upon his role and need for each operation.
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
PERRY retains the featured Crye Precision AVS throughout the season and adapts it where necessary. The gear is proven, is adaptable and suits whichever role PERRY is required to step into, whether that be as a Marksman or 2ic.
Crye Precision AVS (Adaptive Vest System) - Ranger Green - Ranger Green
Crye Precision AVS Detachable Flap M4 (Triple Mag Pouch) - Ranger Green
Crye Precision 1" Webbing strap - Ranger Green LHS shoulder - Garmin Foretrex 401
LHS & RHS - CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Ranger Green
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio / Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 5.56 / 7.62 / MBITR pouch - Multicam
RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Ranger Green
Crye Precision Pouch Zip-on Panel 2.0 - Ranger Green
Loadout 2 - Low Profile
The Spiritus System Mk4 is again used by PERRY however unlike the majority of Bravo, he doesn't use a Spiritus Systems SACK.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Loadout 4 - Low Profile v2 (Colombia)
Deployed to Colombia, PERRY adopts the Spiritus Systems Mk4 in Multicam Tropic. Due to the episode mainly being set in a dark environment there were very few opportunities of clear images of the kit being utilised, but based upon previous loadouts, the below is highly likely to be correct.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Multicam Tropic
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Multicam Tropic
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Multicam Tropic
Loadout 5 - Low Profile v3
Maintaining numerous low profile loadouts, PERRY utilises the Crye precision JPC in its simplest form, void of external pouches of other equipment that would otherwise get in the way.
Crye Precision JPC 2.0 (integrated mag pouch) - Multicam Arid
Sonny QUINN (3B9)
QUINN throughout Season 4 swaps between a multitude of firearms and with it his loadouts and 2nd Line Gear also change to suit his requirements.
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
QUINN brings with him into Season 4 his newly favoured Spiritus Systems LV-119 likely due it being lightweight, unrestrictive and still having enough real estate to attach the mission relevant pouches to. As a plate carrier it's versatile, slick and low profile.
Spiritus Systems LV-119 (Front overt plate and Rear overt plate) - Multicam
Spiritus Systems Molle Velcro cummerbund - Multicam
LBT SAW Pouch - Multicam
Mini S carabiner
Kagwerks Galaxy S7 Kit (2017 model) - Tan
LHS & RHS - CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Multicam
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio / Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 - Multicam
Loadout 2 - Low Profile
QUINN dons the favoured Spiritus Systems Mk4 for low profile work.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Loadout 3 - Low Profile v2 (Colombia)
Deployed to Colombia, QUINN adopts the Spiritus Systems Mk4 in Multicam Tropic. Due to the episode mainly being set in a dark environment there were very few opportunities of clear images of the kit being utilised, but based upon previous loadouts, the below is highly likely to be correct.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam Tropic
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Multicam Tropic
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Multicam Tropic
Loadout 4 - Low Profile v3
The low profile loadout appears again when QUINN dons the S&S Precision CRM with minimal pouches to ensure it's lightweight and carries only the mission critical equipment necessary for their deployment. In addition to the CRM, it also includes front and rear ballistic plates (likely S&S Precision sourced).
S&S Precision Chest Rig Modular (CR-M) - Multicam
Admin panel
Abdominal panel
Removable padded shoulder pads
Ballistic plates - Multicam
LBT SAW Pouch - Multicam
Ballistic plates - Multicam
Trent SAWYER (4B9)
SAWYER with real military experience utilises a range of 2nd Line Gear, varying pouch placements and unique pouches / ancillaries that experience has taught him to include. Generally as a left hander, traditional LHS pouches such as the radio pouch can be found on his RHS.
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
SAWYER through Season 4 continues to wear his S&S Precision PFM with near identical pouches as worn in Season 3. The plate carrier chosen is likely done so through choice and experience and as seen in the pictures below can be scaled up or down based upon the mission requirements.
S&S Precision PlateFrame Modular - Multicam
Ballistic Plates - Toadvine
S&S Precision OSS Redux - Triple Mag Pouch RAP (Rapid Attachment Panel) - Multicam (5 vertical molle slits version)
S&S Precision Navboard ZipFlip - Multicam
CAT Tourniquet
Velocity Systems Lower Abdomen Pouch - Multicam
LHS & RHS - S&S Precision Swimmer cut cummerbund
LHS - S&S Precision OSS (Operator System Suite) Frag pouch (Old Gen) - Multicam
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Multicam
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
RHS - S Hook Carabiner
RHS - S&S Precision OSS Redux - Single Magazine Pouch - Multicam (5 vertical molle slits version)
RHS - S&S Precision double 9mm magazine pouch Maritime (Old Gen) - Multicam
RHS - S&S Precision Inner Plate Pouch - Multicam
215Gear Slap charge pouch (double) - Multicam
Breaching tool sleeve - Multicam
S&S Precision Reinforced Radio Pouch - Multicam
(In radio pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
Loadout 2 - Low Profile
Tyler GREY aka SAWYER is not in episode 8 as he was injured off set and a double was set in his place. Camera shots stick with the back of the stand ins head and him passing by in the background. As with keeping with the rest of Bravo during this episode, 'SAWYER' utilises the Spiritus Systems Mk4, another proven item of kit.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Loadout 3 - Low Profile v2
SAWYER also uses the S&S Precision CRM likely due to its low profile nature, simplicity and it also being a new piece of kit not previously seen.
S&S Precision Chest Rig Modular (CR-M) - Multicam
Admin panel
Abdominal panel
Removable padded shoulder pads
Ballistic plates - Multicam
Eagle Industries Triple Mag Pouch - Multicam
Ballistic plates - Multicam
Brock REYNOLDS (5B9)
REYNOLDS as the K9 handler has a specific role within the team, primarily to act as handler and secondly to act as another operator who remains adaptable throughout the season. A heavy influence for REYNOLDS is Crye Precision kit and equipment (due to his friendship with Caleb Crye - co-founder of Crye Precision).
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
Justin MELNICK's friendship with Caleb Crye (co-founder of Crye Precision) brings with it perks, such as prototype / pre-release tactical equipment, something that he adds to his character REYNOLDS' gear lines. REYNOLDS continues to use his preferred SPC and mixture of old school and new pouches to suit his role as K9 handler.
LHS shoulder - Garmin Foretrex 401
CAT Tourniquet
Kagwerks Galaxy S9 Kit - Black
LHS & RHS - Crye Precision Airlite Structural Cummerbund - Multicam
LHS - ITW Nexus Advanced Fastmag Gen3 - Ranger Green
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 5.56 / 7.62 / MBITR pouch - Multicam
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Multicam
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
LHS - CAT Tourniquet
RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Multicam
Crye Precision Pouch Zip-on on Panel 2.0 - Multicam
Loadout 2 - Low Profile
REYNOLDS' low profile gear doesn't differ from the rest of Bravo when operating in a low profile environment in and around vehicles and buildings.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Loadout 3 - Low Profile v2
S&S Precision kit is used by REYNOLDS and it kept to the bare minimum, plate carrier and a triple magazine pouch.
S&S Precision Chest Rig Modular (CR-M) - Multicam
Admin panel
Removable padded shoulder pads
Ballistic plates - Multicam
S&S Precision OSS Redux - Triple Mag Pouch RAP (Rapid Attachment Panel) - Multicam (5 vertical molle slits version)
Ballistic plates - Multicam
Loadout 4 - Standard Operating Environment
Later in Season 4, REYNOLDS puts down the Crye SPC and replaces it with the LBT 6094 G3 though continues to mix pouches from Crye, LBT and Spiritus Systems creating a unique operational loadout.
LBT-6094 G3 Plate Carrier - Multicam
LBT G3 Modular Panel - Multicam
LHS shoulder - Garmin Foretrex 401
CAT Tourniquet
Kagwerks Galaxy S9 Kit - Black
LHS & RHS - LBT G3 lightweight rigid cummerbund - Multicam
LHS & RHS - LBT Dual M4 / Plate Pocket Kit - Multicam
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Multicam
Spiritus Systems MPRC (Multi-Platform Radio Chassis) - Coyote Brown
(In MPRC pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
Clay SPENSER (6B9)
SPENSER continues through Season 4 to vary his kit and equipment whilst his 2nd Line Gear does change as well, again adapting to his environment and mission requirements.
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
As mentioned in HAYES' Loadout 1 section, SPENSER also brings with him the Velocity Systems Scarab which is his favoured plate carrier. Throughout the season as a Marksman he keeps the carrier lightweight and free of multiple and unnecessary pouches.
Velocity Systems Scarab LT (integrated mag pouch) - Multicam
Kagwerks Galaxy S7 Kit (2017 model) - Tan
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Coyote Brown
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio / Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Loadout 2 - Low Profile
The final member of Bravo SPENSER, utilises the Spiritus Systems Mk4 rig when conducting the hostage rescue missions and building clearance operations.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Loadout 3 - Low Profile v2 (Colombia)
Deployed to Colombia, SPENSER adopts the Spiritus Systems Mk4 in Multicam Tropic. Due to the episode mainly being set in a dark environment there were very few opportunities of clear images of the kit being utilised, but based upon previous loadouts, the below is highly likely to be correct.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Multicam Tropic
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam Tropic
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Multicam Tropic
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Multicam Tropic
Loadout 3 - Low Profile v3
Deployed in an urban / hospital environment, SPENSER uses the Crye Precision JPC 2.0 with no additional pouches keeping it slimline and lightweight.
Crye Precision JPC 2.0 (integrated mag pouch) - Multicam Arid
Scott CARTER 'Full Metal' (1A9)
CARTER became a firm favourite of many as Full Metal and through the season he rarely changes his gear, settling on using kit from FOXX's real world experience.
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
CARTER continues to use his favoured LBT 6094 that's been worn throughout all of the seasons using a mixture of Crye pouches with the ability to add more to the available real estate if required.
Kagwerks Galaxy S7 Kit (2017 model) - Tan
LHS - LBT Small Blow-Out Kit Pouch - Multicam
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Coyote Brown
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio / Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
RHS - Crye Precision Frag Pouch - Coyote Brown
Eagle Industries Modular Assault Pack (MAP) - Coyote / Khaki
Loadout 2 - Low Profile
As with others in Bravo, CARTER uses the Spiritus Systems Mk4 for low profile work in the urban environments.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
LHS - Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Loadout 3 - Low Profile v2
CARTER follows the herd using S&S Precision gear with minimal fuss and a pair of multicam ballistic plates.
S&S Precision Chest Rig Modular (CR-M) - Multicam
Admin panel
Abdominal panel
Removable padded shoulder pads
Ballistic plates - Multicam
Eagle Industries Triple Mag Pouch - AOR1 / DIG2
Ballistic plates - Multicam
Michael CHEN - 2C9
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
CHEN whilst only having limited screen time is seen wearing the Crye Precision AVS. It's highly likely that this is the same plate carrier as previously used by Clay Spenser and Victor Lopez in Seasons 2 and 3 (production costs and why buy new when you have kit already around?!) CHEN utilises the standard set of Crye pouches for standard magazine carriage and lightweight equipment.
Crye Precision AVS (Adaptive Vest System) - Ranger Green
Crye Precision AVS Detachable Flap M4 (Triple Mag Pouch) - Ranger Green
Crye Precision 1" Webbing strap - Ranger Green
CAT Tourniquet
S Hook Carabiner
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 5.56 / 7.62 / MBITR pouch - Coyote Brown
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
SOTO joins Bravo on mission and utilises the LBT 6094 G3 fully maximising the front, left and right hand sides for ammunition carriage and comms equipment.
LBT-6094 G3 Plate Carrier - Multicam
LBT G3 Modular Panel - Multicam
CAT Tourniquet
LHS & RHS - LBT G3 lightweight rigid cummerbund - Multicam
LHS & RHS - LBT Dual M4 / Plate Pocket Kit - Multicam
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Multicam
LHS & RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 5.56 / 7.62 / MBITR pouch - Ranger Green
(In LHS 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
(In RHS 152 / bottle pouch) Persistent Systems MPU5 Radio
Thoughts and opinion
The 2nd Line Gear blogs are some of my favourite to write as I get time and space to really delve into identifying all of the different components that make a characters 2nd Line Gear. Season 4 was no different than previous 2nd Line Gear blogs in taking time and patience to identify all of the kit, however I am hoping that the resultant blog has inspired and enabled those who wish to recreate any of the Bravo team loadouts to do so.
Nearly all of the kit featured is made by real steel manufacturers of military and civilian equipment. if you're after a 100% screen accurate replication of loadouts, you're going to have to fork out a lot of money, however there is also an abundance of replica kit and equipment available if you're unwilling to spend the money.
The Season 5 2nd Line Gear blog is on the horizon and with an ever changing threat environment and mission requirements facing Bravo, they'll continue to utilise relationships with real steel manufacturers and brings gucci kit to the forefront.
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Final Note
I am not paid for my blogs by the manufacturers or companies that I purchase my items from. I am not offered freebies to promote a product. These blogs are purely written from my own experience in truth to help advise and inform others who may wish to purchase the items or understand more about them. If I am sent a freebie to review this will be stated at the beginning to make you aware.
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