SEAL Team provides us the viewer with action, tactics, drama and close to reality warfighting and warfighters. The kit and equipment used is generally real steel for authenticity and as with the operators in Bravo themselves, it evolves over the seasons. One of my previous blogs 'Behind the kit - 1st Line Gear' focussed on all of the 1st Line Gear utilised by Bravo in Seasons 1-3 (soon to be updated with Season 4 and 5). This was a hugely successful and popular blog, therefore this blog naturally follows to complete the next stage of Bravos kit list, essentially for those wanting to develop and replicate their loadouts whilst remaining screen accurate. As previously highlighted, this was not an easy and straightforward task...
For this blog, it was a choice between going through each episode one by one listing each episode here and then detailing the combination of gear used by each of the team per episode. As you can expect, that would a) take a lot of time, b) include a lot of repetition and c) by the time you'd reached episode 21 looking at 3B9 Sonny QUINN's loadouts, you'd have given up! Instead I've drawn it down to the main Bravo team members and some associated characters of relevance and uniqueness.
I've broken down this blog so that each character has their own section. Within that section are a number of 2nd Line gear loadouts. Where a character for example has worn a Crye Precision AVS in a number of episodes, yet the number and type of pouches have varied, I've included all of these pouches under this one section, otherwise the page would be overwhelmingly long. For each member of Bravo and their loadouts, I've broken the 2nd Line Gear equipment into 5 sections; Base, Front, LHS (Left Hand Side) / RHS (Right Hand Side) and Rear.
The kit and equipment hails from mainstream manufacturers and in Season 1, a lot of the original kit was borrowed from some of the cast and others associated with the show. One of the main selling points of the show apart from the action, story and characters was the equipment, equipment that was unique and personified the characters and brought military kit manufacturers names into households across the globe.
This blog has taken time to be written and there isn't another comprehensive SEAL Team - Behind the kit - 2nd Line Gear - Season 1 like this in existence! Information about the 2nd Line Gear is spread far and wide, often inaccurate and often with guess work, so I've collated it into one blog based upon those within Bravo, for those wanting to replicate their 2nd Line Gear or dive a bit more into the background and see how the characters develop over time. As with all of my other blogs, an inordinate amount of HD images, low res images, trailers, videos and episodes were pored over, watched and re-watched to bring you this full write up. Armed with the below you'll be able to accurately recreate any of the 2nd Line Gear from Season 1. No easy feat...
Equipment manufacturers
Bravo as mentioned generally use well known real steel manufacturers across all of their kit. In relation to 2nd Line Gear plate carriers, rigs, pouches and ancillaries, the following are the main manufacturers of note;

Jason HAYES (1B9)
HAYES through Season 1 varies his 2nd Line gear based on mission and environment. His primary role as lead within the team sees him keep kit to a standard, balanced between ammunition and ancillaries, though he does notably increase magazine carriage and other pouches based upon missions, tailoring his 2nd Line gear to suit his requirements.
Loadout 1 - Maritime environment
The 2nd Line Gear first worn by HAYES in Season 1 was during a maritime operation onboard a ship. HAYES initially used a Crye Precision JPC 2.0 with minimal pouches (this was down originally to budget of the pilot episode and not having any branded sponsorship or relationships with the main military real steel manufacturers mentioned above).
Crye Precision JPC 2.0 - Ranger Green
JPC 2.0 Integrated magazine pouch - Ranger Green
LHS shoulder TEA GEN2 U94 PTT
LHS - CAT Tourniquet
RHS - S&S Precision Radio Pouch - MBITR - Ranger Green
(In radio pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio
Loadout 2 - Standard Operating Environment
This AOR1 based loadout is generally favoured by HAYES throughout Season 1. Over the course of the season the pouches did vary although the AVS remained the favourite workhorse and it's uniqueness being in AOR1 ensured that this plate carrier was noticeable and set HAYES apart from the rest of Bravo.
Triple 5.56 Magazine Pouch - AOR1
EMT Trauma Shears - Black
1" Webbing strap - Multicam
Spiritus System SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam Arid
LHS / RHS - CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 5.56 / 7.62 / MBITR pouch - Multicam
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Coyote Brown
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio & TEA GEN2 U94 PTT
RHS - Flyye Canteen Pouch (used as smoke grenade pouch) - AOR1
RHS - Grimloc Carabiner - D-Ring - Coyote Brown - Coyote Brown
Crye Precision Utility Pouch Large - AOR1
Loadout 3 - Maritime environment
Whilst operating in a maritime environment lightweight, quick drain equipment and pouches were needed. S&S Precision gear came to the forefront and showcased some of their new and older gen products with the 2nd Line Gear for HAYES remaining simple and ergonomic.
S&S Precision Plateframe - Multicam
Ballistic plates - Multicam
S&S Precision Gear Retention Track SMR 556 PlateFrame Kit - Coyote Tan
LHS & RHS S&S Precision Swimmer cut cummerbund
LHS - S&S Precision Radio Pouch - MBITR - Ranger Green
(In radio pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio & TEA GEN2 U94 PTT
Loadout 4 - Jungle environment
This loadout was used when operating within a jungle environment and it's lightweight, freedom of movement etc means that the HAYES is not bogged down with weighted plates and carrying excess weight in an unforgiving and ever changing environment.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Multicam
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Multicam
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Multicam
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Multicam
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Multicam
Loadout 5 - Low Profile
When operating in and around vehicles where movement and speed are required, a further stripped down loadout enables HAYES to be able to move freely and lightly when required. In addition to the lightweight magazine carriage options and low profile plates used, this loadout realistically offered very little protection at close, medium or long distances.
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio & TEA GEN2 U94 PTT
Loadout 6 - Low profile
When fighting in built up locations amongst civilians, low profile gear was worn. This Spiritus System loadout predominantly features through the Seasons and provides HAYES with a lightweight, reliable platform and is simplistic to piece together, add to and adapt based on the mission requirements.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Ray PERRY (2B9)
Ray rarely changes up from his lightweight standard setup from Episode 1 Season 1 which is a nod to an operators comfort and trust in their equipment. Why change something if it works? The preference is for his Ranger Green 1st Line Gear which works in tandem with his Ranger Green Crye AVS as 2nd Line Gear.
Loadout 1 - Maritime environment
Crye Precision JPC 2.0 - Ranger Green
Crye Precision AVS Detachable Flap M4 (Triple Mag Pouch) - Ranger Green
EMT Trauma Shears - Black
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 (Medic) - Ranger Green
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Ranger Green
(In 152 / bottle pouch) L3Harris Falcon III AN/PRC-152A & TEA GEN1 PTT / TEA GEN2 U94 PTT
RHS - 2x Crye Precision (Eagle Industries) 40mm Flashbang pouches - Multicam
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Crye Precision Pouch Zip-on Panel 2.0 - Ranger Green
Loadout 2 - Standard Operating Environment
The shift from a JPC 2.0 to an AVS seemed a natural choice, particularly when the operating environment changed from a confined maritime setting to open space. The versatility and adaptability of the AVS shines through for PERRY and he uses it through all of the seasons.
Crye Precision AVS (Adaptive Vest System) - Ranger Green - Ranger Green
Crye Precision AVS Detachable Flap M4 (Triple Mag Pouch) - Ranger Green
Crye Precision AVS Detachable Flap 7.62 (Triple Mag Pouch) - Ranger Green
EMT Trauma Shears - Black
1" Webbing strap - Ranger Green
LHS & RHS - CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 - Ranger Green
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Ranger Green
(In 152 / bottle pouch) L3Harris Falcon III AN/PRC-152A & TEA GEN1 PTT / TEA GEN2 U94 PTT
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 5.56 / 7.62 / MBITR pouch - Multicam
RHS - 2x Crye Precision (Eagle Industries) 40mm Flashbang pouches - Multicam
RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Ranger Green
Crye Precision Pouch Zip-on Panel 2.0 - Ranger Green
Loadout 3 - Maritime environment
As with the rest of Bravo, PERRY adopted the S&S Precision Plateframe 2nd Line Gear for maximum freedom of movement without being weighed down.
S&S Precision Plateframe - Toadvine
Ballistic plates - Black
S&S Precision Gear Retention Track SMR 556 PlateFrame Kit - Coyote Tan
LHS & RHS S&S Precision Swimmer cut cummerbund
LHS - S&S Precision Radio Pouch - MBITR - Ranger Green
Loadout 4 - Jungle environment
The jungle environment saw PERRY also wear the Spiritus System Micro Rig alongside the rest of the team.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Multicam
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Multicam
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Multicam
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Multicam
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Multicam
Loadout 5 - Low profile
When operating in and around vehicles and a high temperature environment, comfort and ease of movement are necessary. This loadout enables PERRY to remain lightweight and unhindered when rounds are fired, again using the favoured Spiritus Systems Micro Rig.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Sonny QUINN (3B9)
QUINN by standard is armed with the FN Mk 46 Mod 1 / FN Mk 48 Mod 1 and therefore requires the ability to carry further belted ammunition and attempt to remain lightweight other than that. Noticeably in the majority of loadouts when not using the HK416, he keeps the right hand side of his 2nd Line Gear clear, likely to enable him to quickly and easily bring the FN up to bear without catching on pouches.
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
QUINN initially relies upon the JPC 2.0 being lightweight and allowing more freedom of movement than his later plate carriers.
Crye Precision JPC2.0 - Multicam
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Ranger Green
CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 (Medic) - Multicam
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Coyote Brown
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Ranger Green
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio & TEA GEN2 U94 PTT
LHS - LBT 6133A Radio Pouch - Coyote Brown
RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 - Coyote Brown
Crye Precision Pack Zip-on Panel 2.0 - Multicam
Loadout 2 - Maritime environment
QUINN follows suit with the rest of the team when operating in a maritime environment and adopts the HK416.
S&S Precision Plateframe - Multicam
Ballistic Plates - Multicam
S&S Precision Gear Retention Track SMR 556 PlateFrame Kit - Coyote Tan
LHS & RHS S&S Precision Swimmer cut cummerbund
LHS - S&S Precision Radio Pouch - MBITR - Coyote Brown
Loadout 3 - Low profile
This loadout as with PERRY and HAYES enables QUINN to carry little weight into the firefight.
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio & TEA GEN2 U94 PTT
Loadout 4 - Standard Operating Environment
This loadout feature predominantly through Season 1 as QUINNs role as a Support Gunner requires him to carry extra box ammunition for the teams FN Mk 46 Mod 1 / FN Mk 48 Mod 1. This in turn requires the plate carrier to needing to be able to support heavy weights on the front and sides without any undue stress on the operators back.
Crye Precision CPC (CAGE Plate Carrier) - Multicam
2x MOLLE SAW Ammunition Pouch 5.56mm 100rd NSN 8465-01-532-2397 - Coyote Brown
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 (Medic) - Multicam
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Multicam
LHS - (Integrated pouch in cummerbund) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio & TEA GEN2 U94 PTT
LHS - CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Carabiner & Cyalumes
Crye Precision Pouch Zip-on Panel 2.0 - Multicam
Loadout 5 - Low profile / Jungle environment
Spiritus Systems again is a proven favourite with Bravo and those within and QUINN adds a touch of old school with the M81 Woodland pattern using for both a low profile mission and when deployed to a jungle environment.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
CAT Tourniquet
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Ranger Green
Trent SAWYER (4B9)
Trent is one of the team that goes slightly against the grain in terms of kit adoption, pouch placement down to a) real life experience and b) being left handed.
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
SAWYER's Crye Precision CPC drops in and out through the season dependant on mission and role though this is seemingly his favourite set of 2nd Line Gear.
Crye Precision CPC (CAGE Plate Carrier) - Multicam
Blue Force Gear Helium Whisper Admin Pouch - Multicam
LHS / RHS - CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 - Multicam
RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 - Multicam
RHS - Crye Precision Smoke Grenade Pouch N-7 (Old Gen) - Multicam
Tactical Bolt Cutter Pouch - Multicam
LBT 6133A Radio Pouch - Coyote Brown
(In radio pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio & TEA GEN2 U94 PTT
Loadout 2 - Standard Operating Environment
SAWYER only utilises the Crye AVS for 1 episode in Season 1 which is stripped down to it's bare minimum components. Interestingly one of his roles within the team is to provide is using dynamic entry methods to gain access to buildings, vehicles etc. therefore he is seen with a pair of heavy duty bolt cutters fitted within the drop down pocket of the Pouch Zip on Panel 2.0
Crye Precision AVS (Adaptive Vest System) - Ranger Green
Crye Precision AVS Detachable Flap M4 (Triple Mag Pouch) - Ranger Green
RHS shoulder - TEA GEN1 PTT
Crye Precision LAP Panel - Ranger Green
Crye Precision Pouch Zip-on Panel 2.0 - Ranger Green
Heavy duty bolt cutters
Loadout 3 - Maritime environment
SAWYER continues to be unique amongst the team as not only the only left hander, but also in kit choices. Breaking away from the S&S Precision SMR he favours the S&S Precision ELOS kit instead. Small subtleties help to create unique characters.
S&S Precision Plateframe - Toadvine
Ballistic Plates - Multicam
LHS & RHS S&S Precision Swimmer cut cummerbund
RHS - S&S Precision Radio Pouch - MBITR - Coyote Tan
Loadout 4 - Jungle environment
Whilst operating in the jungle environment, SAWYER adopts the Spiritus System Micro Rig in Multicam. Fight light, fight easy.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Multicam
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Multicam
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Multicam
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Multicam
LHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Multicam
Loadout 5 - Low profile
SAWYER maintains a lightweight approach to low profile work utilising the Crye LVS Patrol Cut and Spiritus Mk4 Micro rig.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Brock REYNOLDS (5B9)
REYNOLDS as the K9 handler has a specific role within the team, primarily to act as handler and secondly to act as another operator who remains adaptable throughout the season. A heavy influence for REYNOLDS is Crye Precision kit and equipment (due to his friendship with Caleb Crye - owner of Crye Precision).
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
The lightweight and proven JPC 2.0 is used by REYNOLDS and again subtle differences between 2nd Line Gear amongst the team helps each operator to be unique. REYNOLDS uses his prototype magazine pouches on the JPC but also across other 2nd Line Gear too.
Crye Precision JPC 2.0 - Multicam
CAT Tourniquet
EMT Trauma Shears - Black
LHS shoulder - Garmin Foretrex 401
LHS & RHS - Crye Precision - Elasticated cummerbund system (Prototype) - Multicam
Crye Precision Pouch Zip-on on Panel 2.0 - Multicam
Loadout 2 - Maritime environment
Utilising similar S&S Precision gear alongside the reset of Bravo sees REYNOLDS using the standard plateframe and drain easy pouches.
S&S Precision Plateframe - Toadvine
Ballistic Plates - Black
S&S Precision Gear Retention Track SMR 556 PlateFrame Kit - Coyote Tan
LHS & RHS S&S Precision Swimmer cut cummerbund
LHS - S&S Precision Radio Pouch - MBITR - Coyote
Loadout 3 - Jungle environment
The running theme when operating in the jungle is adoption of the Spiritus Micro Rig and REYNOLDS does the same as the rest of Bravo.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Multicam
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Multicam
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Multicam
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Multicam
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Multicam
LHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Multicam
Loadout 4 - Low profile
As with HAYES, REYNOLDS maintains the use of the Crye Precision LVS Overt Cover and integrated pouches to carry the equipment needed whilst working around vehicles.
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio & TEA GEN2 U94 PTT
Loadout 5 - Low profile
In tandem with QUINN, REYNOLDS brings nostalgia to the screen with the old gen M81 Woodland Micro Rig when working in a low profile environment.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - M81 Woodland (Old Gen)
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Ranger Green
Loadout 6 - Standard Operating Environment
Towards the end of Season 1, REYNOLDS shifts towards the Crye Precision Airlite SPC which appears to be more adaptable, lightweight and provide more real estate for pouches.
LHS shoulder - Garmin Foretrex 401
CAT Tourniquet
LHS & RHS - Crye Precision Airlite Structural Cummerbund - Multicam
LHS - ITW Nexus Advanced Fastmag Gen3 - Ranger Green
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 5.56 / 7.62 / MBITR pouch - Multicam
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Multicam
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio & TEA GEN2 U94 PTT
RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) Frag pouch - Multicam
Crye Precision Pouch Zip-on on Panel 2.0 - Multicam
Clay SPENSER (6B9)
SPENSER's setup mainly switches whenever his role is required, either to be utilising the HK416 or his SR25 Enhanced Carbine, therefore adaptability is key.
Loadout 1 - Standard Operating Environment
The 2nd Line Gear predominantly used by SPENSER involves his Crye Precision AVS and a variety of pouches added to / removed based upon role (rifleman or marksman) and environment threat.
Crye Precision AVS (Adaptive Vest System) - Multicam
1x Blackhawk SR25 / M14 / FAL Stacked 20 Round Magazine Pouch - Ranger Green
1" Webbing strap - Multicam
CAT Tourniquet
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 5.56 / 7.62 / MBITR pouch - Multicam
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 (Medic) - Multicam
LHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) 152 / Bottle pouch - Ranger Green
(In 152 / bottle pouch) Thales AN/PRC 148 Radio & TEA GEN2 U94 PTT
LHS - LBT 6133A Radio Pouch - Coyote Brown
Crye Precision Pouch Zip-on on Panel 2.0 - Multicam
Crye Precision AVS 1000 Pack - Ranger Green
Loadout 2 - Low profile
The proven Spiritus Systems Micro Rig is used by SPENSER in a low profile setting.
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Chassis Mk4 - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight full flap - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems Micro fight fat straps - Wolf Grey
Spiritus Systems SACK Pouch Mk3 - Wolf Grey
LHS & RHS - Spiritus Systems Micro fight expander wings - Wolf Grey
RHS - CAT Tourniquet
Spiritus Systems Micro Fight Back Strap - Wolf Grey
Full Metal (6A9) - Maritime environment
The appearance of Full Metal as 6A9 during the maritime operation showed both Alpha and Bravo teams utilising the same 2nd Line Gear, namely S&S Precision Plateframes. Whilst only playing a small part in Season 1, Full Metal, his gear and his one line quips became mainstay when he was given screen time.
S&S Precision Plateframe - Tan
S&S Precision Gear Retention Track SMR 556 PlateFrame Kit - Coyote Tan
LHS & RHS S&S Precision Swimmer cut cummerbund
LHS - S&S Precision Radio Pouch - MBITR - Coyote Brown
RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 (Maritime) - Multicam
BLACKBURN - Standard Operating Environment
Whilst BLACKBURN is generally located within the TOC (Tactical Operations Center) he did deploy in Season 1 alongside the rest of Bravo during which time he donned his kit, grabbed his rifle and became the voice of reason whilst also rocking some old school kit and equipment.
Velocity Systems Scarab LT (integrated mag pouch) - Desert Digital
LHS shoulder - Garmin Foretrex 401
RHS - CAT (Combat Application Tourniquet) - Black
LHS & RHS - Helium Whisper MBITR / 152 Radio Pouches - Coyote Brown
RHS - Crye Precision Smart Pouch Suite (SPS) GP Pouch 6x6x3 (Medic) - Coyote Brown
Nate MASSEY (6A9) - Maritime environment
MASSEY only featured in episode 1 but in the short time he was on screen, he brought with him another real steel manufacturer LBX to the forefront of the show.
LBX Tactical 4020M Armatus II Plate Carrier - Mas Grey
LBX Tactical 4020B Armatus Triple M4 Panel - Mas Grey
S&S Precision Radio Pouch - MBITR - Ranger Green
Thoughts and opinion
If you haven't checked it out already, have a read of one of my previous blogs - 'SEAL Team - Behind the kit - 1st Line Gear', where I cover 1st Line Gear with breakdown, identifying the individual components of each of the teams kit.
A screen accurate reproduction of any of Bravo's 2nd Line Gear will set you back some serious money, there are alternatives purchasing other branded products licensed by the main manufacturers, however for that 100% genuine real steel setup, be prepared to shell out some big bucks. In some missions the team utilise near identical 2nd Line Gear such as the Spiritus Systems Micro Rigs, but for the majority of missions each operator uses their own setup that suits them, their role and the mission requirements. A lot of the carriers and pouches are interchangeable between the characters so as previously mentioned you can always created a set of blended 2nd Line Gear taking inspiration from across Bravo.
Screen accuracy doesn't always mean functionality, depending on what you want to use the 2nd Line Gear for, it's 100% worth investigating reviews online, trying equipment before purchase if possible and ultimately tailoring the 2nd Line Gear to suit you.
With the 2nd Line Gear for Season 1 now covered in detail, standby for a full breakdown of 2nd Line Gear featured in Season 2...
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Final Note
I am not paid for my blogs by the manufacturers or companies that I purchase my items from. I am not offered freebies to promote a product. These blogs are purely written from my own experience in truth to help advise and inform others who may wish to purchase the items or understand more about them. If I am sent a freebie to review this will be stated at the beginning to make you aware.
What i the chemlight holder that Clay uses in main gear?